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Week 60: New Ways to Leverage My Competition

In Gallup’s StrengthsFinder my number 1 strength is competition. This means that I am motivated my measurable performance and like to win. I like to know that I am beating my competitors and that I am continually performing better and better.

Competition is a great foundation for a weight loss journey until you reach the point where the weight loss and most performance indicators start slowing down. This is a natural stage in a weight loss journey but could spell danger for somebody high in competition.

Being sensitive to my competition strength I have started focusing on new ways to win in my journey. I will not lose!

Another 5k in the books

I ran my latest 5K race this weekend, that is #3 for me. I participated in the Columbus Butterfly Run ( benefiting pediatric behavioral health research for Nationwide Children’s Hospital. Plus big thanks to Big Lots for hosting!

This was the biggest, most formal 5k I have participated in yet. There were 563 total participants in the run/walk and I finished in 138th place at 33 minutes and 2 seconds. A pretty respectable time given that it was my third 5k ever.

Unfortunately, the run didn’t feel great and I could have done better. I was out late the night before so I started off the morning not feeling amazing, but I used music and the energy around me during pre-race activities to help get me into the right frame of mind.

Then I made a mistake in my preparation. I allowed too much time between eating breakfast and starting the race so my fuel level was very low. My second mistake was that I started out WAY too strong! My goal was to keep my pace under a 10-minute mile the whole time, but I started out running as fast as an 8:30 pace which burned a ton of energy right at the beginning.

In the third mile of the race I started getting thigh cramps which was very uncomfortable but I pushed through them. In the last half mile I felt like I was totally out of gas. I was physically exhausted but I was able to push myself through to the end.

Not my greatest physical performance but I finished and I got my medal!

And I won…

Even though my 5k performance didn’t feel great and I was in 138th place, I still think I won!

I have learned an important lesson about running over the past 6 months or so that I want to share with you.

In any race there are some super-human performers. Those people are expert-level athletes and can finish a 5k in just 20 minutes or sometimes faster. They are amazing performers and great role models but they are not the average recreational athlete. These people are NOT my competitors in these races at all. I may get to the point where I can perform in this group but it is going to be a long time and is not a reasonable expectation for me to have for myself for my 3rd 5k.

I could continue to go through every group of people and explain why they aren’t my competitors in a race. This is because in recreational races like this one I only have one competitor against whom my performance can be evaluated.

I am only competing against myself!

If I out-perform my previous run I have won the race.

I started this race with a goal and it was to get faster than my last race. I really wanted to get under a 10-minute average mile pace. While I don’t think I got to my target pace (it is tough to tell because all of the tracking was a little imprecise for this race) I did reduce my time from my previous 5k.

This makes 3 times I have run a 5k and I have improved my time a bit with every single race.

As long as I keep improving in each of my competitions I am a phenomenal winner!

Shifting my focus

As I have mentioned over and over again my weight loss is slowing as I get smaller.

It is harder to lose at the same rate because it represents a larger percentage of my body weight now. My body is also way more efficient so my daily calorie burn has decreased. My smaller body is also more sensitive to those things that cause temporary weight fluctuations like my arch nemesis sodium! Finally I have been working on exercises that build my muscles which come with a weight impact.

This means that I am nearing the end of my weight loss journey but my fitness journey is just starting.

This week I shared my new fitness goals with my trainer and I shared them in my blog last week. The continued improvement in my run time is just the start. I am even thinking about signing up for the Columbus Marathon in October to do the half, mostly walking.

While I am approaching an end to focusing on my weight I will always be a factor for me. I will continue logging my foods every day and continue my close relationship with my scale even after I reach my final target weight.

I will not let myself slip backwards and have to go through this journey a second time. I have known too many people who have done that and I am not going to be one of them!

Check back next week for more!

Last week’s stats (7/30-8/5):
Distance walked/run: 40.2 miles (-3 vs. LY)
Total calories burnt: 24,037(-7,937 vs. LY)
Total calories consumed: 14,964 (+554 vs. LY)
Net calories this week: -9,073 (+8,491 vs. LY)
Weight change: 2.5 pounds lost (-2.8 vs LY)

Published inMy "Melting" Journey