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Meet Coach Tony
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Are you living your best life?
Do you have a plan?
Are your goals on track?

Could a partner help you succeed?

I'm Coach Tony ...
I want to help you bring your goals to life!

As a coach, I am trained & skilled in tools to help you achieve YOUR goals. I act as YOUR partner, guide, cheerleader and sounding board during your journey to achieve your goals. I am on YOUR team, meaning I am fully committed to YOUR success.

I can help you figure out what you want, build a plan to get there and make it happen so you can live your best life!

How does it work?

The typical Operation Melt coaching package follows a process based on proven project management principles. Here’s how the standard process works, but we can tailor it to meet your specific needs (click image for details):

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The standard coaching package summarized above begins with a 90-day agreement, but other options are also available based on your individual needs.

Interested, but want to take a smaller step? Maybe start with a 30-minute session to help you start getting on track with your goals. Click here to learn more about mini sessions.

Ready to bring your goals to life
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What are my clients saying?

Liz C coaching testimonial
Click for Liz C's full story
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Anna T coaching testimonial
Click for Anna T's full story
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Life & Health coaching testimonial
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Lindsay L. coaching testimonial
Click for Lindsay's full story
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Will you be the next success story?
Click here to let me know you are interested