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Week 12: Plateau broken and more running

I have added more running into my walking and I feel my endurance climbing. Hopefully this means I am on my way to increasing my distance. I really would like to get to the point where I can run a 5K at some point. I can’t believe I actually wrote that! I never thought I would say those words. Similarly, I think I want to take a yoga class… more words I never thought I’d say!

On another positive note, I have broken through my plateau and I am officially under 280. Hopefully that means in am only 2-3 days away from 275 – my 50 pound mark.

This week was my return to the doctor to check in on the progress with my blood pressure. My first reading was too high, then we tested again and it was perfect. It became even more clear that stress causes my blood pressure to shoot up. That is very unfortunate! But, when the doctor reviewed my weight over the past 80 days, he was really impressed.

One other thing of note happened in the past week. Yes, my clothes continue to get baggy on me and have started looking terrible. I need to fix this for sure. But, one thing I didn’t anticipate was how my ring finger has gotten smaller. I am starting to have issues with my wedding ring being too small. How is that possible?

Next post will be my 90-day mark.

Last week’s stats:
Distance walked/run: 30.08 miles
Total calories burnt: 27,761
Total calories consumed: 13,629
Weight change: 2.1 pounds lost

Published inMy "Melting" Journey