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Milestone: I Fit! New fall wardrobe.

My milestone: I finally fit into society’s mold for a normal sized person!

I just spent a full day buying a new fall wardrobe because the clothes I bought when I reached the 50 pounds lost mark last fall look ridiculous on me. So I went to 4-5 different stores and bought a plethora of shirts, sweaters, vests and pants and spent way too much money – though many of my purchases were at discount stores so I did pretty good.

One surprise through the whole clothes buying event was that I got i little emotional and continue to do so when I think about it.

For my entire adult life I struggled to find places to buy clothes. I was relegated mostly to big & tall stores plus the rare find at a normal store. I couldn’t just walk into a store like Express or Macy’s and be sure that I would find something to fit me. Every once in a while I would get lucky and there would be something in my size but it would be terribly expensive. So, like many people who are living life overweight, I was very constrained by clothing choices.

Today was different….

I had literally thousands of options! I went into an Express and tried on an XL shirt and had to grab a smaller size. I walked into Macy’s and half the clearance rack fit me perfectly. I had options, I had choices. Hell I even went to a jewelry store to get my wedding ring sized down a full 2 sizes!

Today’s shopping trip was validation that I am now welcome to fully participate in society. It completely sucks that this is the case in our culture, but it is. Overweight people are treated like second class citizens and pushed into special stores. It is horrible…. But it is reality.

Not for me, not any longer!

I bought DESIGNER jeans today… at a discount store… for $29… and they look amazing on me! I am down to a size 36 in most pants after starting as a 52! I am down to a large in most shirts after starting as a 3XL! I am comfortable in slim fit shirts and pants.

In short (I know, too late) I feel like a normal person!!! All of this 15+ months of hard fucking work paid off. I am happy!

I didn’t think being overweight significantly impacted my happiness, but it did! And I am never going back.

Published inMy "Melting" Journey