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Good Days and Bad Days

Welcome to my Operation Melt weekly update where I share the ups, downs and lessons learned from living a post weight loss fit life.

Deliberate Positivity

For the past 76 days I have started each morning by sharing my daily Pandemic of Gratitude (#PandemicOfGratitude) post across all my social media channels. This is a daily habit I started as a response to all of the negativity I was reading when this quarantine of the world begun. Since that point I have essentially refrained from participating in the online negativity no matter how tempted I have been sometimes.

Beyond these daily posts I have intentionally maintained a positive voice in nearly all of my writing. I celebrate my wins and milestones and I try to remind people of the best of life and that they can accomplish anything. This is a deliberate choice I have made because the world has plenty of sources for negativity and woe-is-me writing.

Am I Sending the Wrong Message?

Lately I have gotten concerned that my deliberate choice to stay positive might be sending the wrong message about the realities of my life.

My life, just like yours, isn’t perfect.

I am not always in a positive mood and things don’t go my way. Sometimes I fail. Sometimes I have aches and pains. Sometimes things break and need fixed. Sometimes I have strained relationships. Sometimes I react in a way or say something I shouldn’t have. Sometimes I let events from my past have too much control over today.

More than all of those things that directly impact me, I also get impacted by the world around me. Sometimes I am sad. Sometimes I am scared. Sometimes I just don’t understand they world around me and the choices of those who are supposed to be “leaders” in our society. And sometimes there are things I see that make me just want to stay in bed and hide under the covers.

But I don’t hide from it! I dig deep, I muster up my courage and go out and live. More than just living, I keep pursuing my goals and keep leading others through the world towards their own goals.

Good Days and Bad Days

You know the saying: he has his good days and his bad days. This is really how life is for me and for all of us. Though I don’t have many bad days per se, just some bad moments that I have to react to and not let them make the whole day bad.

I am a believer in E+R=O and understand that I can’t necessarily control all of the events that impact my life (though many are in my control) but I do control how I respond to them and that is what drives the ultimate outcome. I want my outcome to be a life of general happiness, positivity and success so letting whole days turn bad isn’t in my plan.

Leading The Way

There is another outcome, another O, that is very important to me. I have a passion for (May even be my calling) helping people achieve their goals and live their happiest lives. If I respond to negative events by contributing to the negativity people will be too busy drowning in the negativity around them and won’t be able to achieve their goals. So I am trying to do my part to lead the way to a better world.

This means that I am not going to do things to contribute to the excessive amounts of negativity in the world. I am choosing to go a different way. I am keeping these thoughts and my bad days away from the social media megaphone. This not only helps me stay in the frame of mind that I want to be in, but it also helps those around me.

My only exception is when I think an experience that I have had can help somebody else. When this happens I try to frame it as a lesson learned and share it through my blog or my direct mentoring / coaching of others. I have done this throughout my journey.

Please don’t mistake my leadership and deliberate positivity for a problem free life. We all experience our ups and downs in life, that’s what life is about. The fact you are going through your own challenges and bouts of negativity doesn’t make you wrong, it makes you human.

Tell Me What You Think

Tell me what you think about today’s post or anything else. Send me a note via the Contact Me link above or leave me a comment on social media.

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Want to learn more about how I used project management as a tool for success in my weight loss journey? Pick up your copy of my book Operation Melt: How I Used Life-Changing Project Management to Lose Over 100 Pounds In Under a Year from Amazon.

About Operation Melt

Operation Melt started as a blog to share my transformational weight loss story. After I achieved success with that goal it has evolved into a platform that I use to help inspire, motivate and equip people to achieve their own personal and professional goals so they can live their best lives. My goal: to build a world where no goal ever dies of loneliness.

Published inFitness Lessons are Life LessonsMy "Melting" Journey