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I Did It!

Today’s blog is a special milestone post marking a big anniversary in my life.


I went to the doctor for the first time in more than fifteen years and I had an eye-opening experience. Among the many surprises that day was one that I got when I stepped on the scale. My lifetime of obesity had resulted in me reaching the 325-pound mark.

On that day I made a decision. I was going to change my life and address this dangerous and embarrassing issue that I had faced for my whole life.

I was going to lose over a hundred pounds in under a year.


One year later I had more than achieved my goal and was still going strong.

  • I was down almost 120 pounds and on my way to a total loss of 131 pounds.
  • I was about to run my first 5k race, one that I hosted.
  • I was just a few months short of running my first half marathon.
  • I had a written a nearly three hundred-page book about my journey that would be released in just a few short months.

I was more successful than I had ever expected and it wasn’t just reflected on the scale. I felt like all areas of my life and personality were on an unstoppable positive trajectory. This was absolutely more than a physical journey.

A few minutes before walking out of the door to go run my first 5k I wrote the following piece… call it a poem or an affirmation. This was a summary of how I felt when I achieved that one-year mark.

Today is the fourth anniversary of the decision that changed my life and I thought it only appropriate to share this again.

I Did It

I didn’t come from greatness.

I didn’t think I deserved it.

I didn’t make it a priority because I thought I would fail so I didn’t try.

I let it get the upper hand and it was trying to kill me.

Then it all changed!

I was done, embarrassed and ready. I made a decision.

I knew why I wanted it.

I made it a priority (obsession?).

I worked my ass off.

I won!

I F- -KING DID IT!!! Because I am completely amazing! Now… I can do anything!


I am still going strong in my life, my goals and my transformation today.

The scale is less of a focus area for me and is frankly a little frustrating. As I have pivoted my focus more to what I can DO versus what I WEIGH, I have added a few pounds. Most of this is related to having something I never had before: muscle!

I am also living a more purposeful life dedicated to helping individuals and business achieve their biggest goals. This still includes consulting and writing but it also includes coaching now. I always have lots of stuff going on.

I can’t tell you how happy I am that I made this decision and how proud I am of my accomplishments. 

One big lesson that I learned from this experience was not to wait to try to achieve your goals. Each of us is capable of accomplishing big things but it all starts with a decision to try. Otherwise, we risk letting our goals die of loneliness. 

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Published inMy "Melting" Journey