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What Happened When Monica Took The Plunge To Unlock Her Passion? (Interview)

Are you choosing to live a happy, fulfilling life?

Studies show that 90% of what separates a happy life from an unhappy one is within your control. One of the most powerful ways to unlock your best life is by setting, pursuing, and achieving meaningful goals.

Yes, you have the power to choose happiness—but don’t just take my word for it! Here’s how real people, just like you, are creating happiness by chasing their biggest goals.


Before we jump into today's post, I offer you this "dad joke" as a light "amuse-bouche" to entertain your mind before we get serious. Like any other amuse-bouche, you may hate it, but it is worth every penny you paid for it, right?

I told my daughter that I saw a deer on the way to work this morning. She asked me, "How did you know it was on its way to work?"

What Happened When Monica Took The Plunge To Unlock Her Passion? (Interview)

Welcome to this week’s Interview with a Goal-Crusher. In these interviews, I sit down with someone accomplishing big things by setting and achieving their goals to learn their secrets. Then I share those secrets with you. It’s like free mentoring from someone already on the road to success. Who doesn’t want that?!

Earlier this year, I reconnected with a former colleague, Monica, whom I hadn’t spoken to in a couple of years. I had learned that she had launched her own business, and I wanted to know more. My reconnection turned out to be more than I had expected:

  • We caught up on what was happening in our respective lives.
  • I was featured in her leadership podcast.
  • She provided lots of unbelievably helpful input that helped me add some upgrades to Operation Melt.

Monica didn’t do any of this for money; she did it because of her passion for helping people. More impressively, she left her secure corporate job and turned this passion into a new career. A risk, to be sure, but an inspirational one that paid off – she gets to spend her days working in alignment with her calling.

Monica’s story is so inspirational that I decided she would be a perfect addition to my Interview with a Goal-Crusher family.

Please introduce yourself and tell Operation Melt readers what you do.

Hello! My name is Monica, but most people call me Mon! 

I’m a multi-passionate entrepreneur, and I’ve spent the past few years trying to figure out what to do with my life. Come to find out, I’ve always known, and I had to dig a bit deeper, be patient, and allow the process to play out.

I’m an international speaker, people developer, podcaster, YouTuber, content creator, reiki practitioner, certified holistic nutritionist, and author. 

Did I mention multi-passionate?

Introducing: Monica Brooks
Introducing: Monica Brooks

What motivated you to leave your corporate job? What was your vision? Can you share some/all of your story? 

In 2021, I finally had the courage to leave my corporate job, but if I go back to 2018, it started there. 

In October 2018, at the age of 37, I received a stage three breast cancer diagnosis. I viewed myself as “healthy” and didn’t even have a PCP because I rarely went to the doctor. Fast-forward through 16 rounds of chemo, over 7 surgeries, 37 rounds of radiation, and 10 years of ongoing maintenance medication, I knew I wasn’t living in my Dharma, according to Life Coach and Author Jay Shetty. 

In other words, I wasn’t living my passion. 

I remember sitting in a meeting with VPs reporting out information I really didn’t care about, and that’s when it hit me. I literally said to myself, “I don’t belong here.” 

I left that meeting, called my boss, and said I needed to go.

Monica Brooks - The day Monica turned in her badge and left her corporate job
The day Monica turned in her badge and left her corporate job

What was the first step you took to get started achieving your goal?

I had to stop dreaming and had to start doing. 

I could have imagined all day long and dreamt of the life I wanted, but without taking that first step and making the decision that I was going to quit, it never would have happened. My goal was a less tangible one – I wanted to be happy doing what I love to do – helping others!

Monica Brooks - Monica sharing her gift while speaking at a conference
Monica sharing her gift while speaking at a conference

What were your biggest challenges in achieving your goal? How did you overcome them?

My biggest challenge was losing a steady income. 

We lived comfortably, vacationed, dined out often, and I knew I’d have to start giving up that oh-so-cute new pair of shoes at Nordstrom. I overcame that obstacle when I realized I didn’t need so much to be happy. I started minimizing my closet and got rid of most of my shoes, jewelry, and clothes. 

Although the financial piece can still be a struggle, I realize I’m so much happier with less money. You learn to look at the things each day that don’t cost anything at all and find so much happiness. 

My other challenge was how I was going to help people. 

I had a knack for public speaking and inspiring others, but what would I talk about, and how would I get my name out there. This is where I learned to become patient and to trust the process. Since quitting my job in 2021, I’ve become an inspirational speaker and have traveled to Toronto, Florida, Nevada, Indiana, Philadelphia, and Texas. 

Am I making the same amount of money? Absolutely not! 

But am I reaching more people and helping them more than I previously was? YES! And that makes it all worth it.

Monica Brooks - Monica leading a workshop
Monica leading a workshop

What goal success tips and techniques have worked well for you that you would like to share with my readers?

Stop doubting yourself! 

You have a gift that’s unique to you. Sure, there are other people out there doing it too, but no one can do it the way you can. You have to believe in yourself before you can make any changes. 

You are amazing. 

You are unique. 

You can do big, scary things!

Monica Brooks - Monica pausing to reflect and enjoy the journey
Monica pausing to reflect and enjoy the journey

What else would you like my Operation Melt readers to know about you or about goal success in general?

At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter how many followers, likes, or engagement you have. You won’t be remembered for that. 

You’ll be remembered for how you made people feel. 

We’re all in the business of people, and we have the ability to bring significant change to our lives as well as others. Ask yourself, What am I curious about? What could I talk about all day? Bring that mental creation to life by putting pen to paper. 

Make a plan, make a difference.

Monica Brooks - Monica posing with happy conference participants
Monica posing with happy conference participants

How can people learn more about you?

I have an active YouTube channel I created to help other survivors, which can be found by typing my name in the search engine on YouTube. (or click here to access Monica’s channel.)

I’m also active on Instagram with two accounts: @the_monica_brooks and @leadershipwithmonica

Wow! Many people want to work in jobs that fully align with their passion. How many of those people are willing to take the plunge Monica took and do what’s required to make it successful? The answer: not many.

Let’s review some of the Project Manage Your Life best practices that Monica used to escape her corporate life and lean into her passions.

  • Set SMART Goals: After facing a hefty dose of adversity, Monica used deep soul-searching to evaluate her values and priorities. With this information, Monica committed to a goal and took a big first step. She challenged the natural fear-based inertia that holds so many people back and decided to “stop dreaming” and “start doing.”
  • Build a plan that works for you: Monica didn’t follow in anybody else’s footsteps; she “put pen to paper” and built a plan that was uniquely her and took one step at a time. 
  • Expect and plan ahead for problems: Monica’s plan included a practical assessment of significant risks, including the financial implications of her decision. She let her priorities guide her, even when it meant making less money.
  • Enjoy the journey: Most importantly, Monica significantly increased her enjoyment of her journey in life because she followed her passion. Doing this ensures that she will never tire of her work because she is doing what she enjoys – Monica is helping people.

What dream or passion is buried inside you, just occupying space in your imagination, like Monica’s? Are you going to let it die of loneliness, or do you have the courage to let it out like Monica did? You don’t have to immediately go all-in and leave your day job if that doesn’t work for you… But doesn’t your dream deserve at least a first step to giving it life?

What are you waiting on?

Do you want help figuring out the goals that are trapped inside your mind? How about figuring out a plan for how to take that first step in a way that works for you? Maybe you need an accountability partner to help you stay focused. These are just a handful of the things a coach can help you with as you begin the journey to the life of your dreams. I am a certified Master Life Coach and would be honored to help you convert that dream into a goal, a plan and a reality.

Let’s talk!

Please visit the Operation Melt coaching page and submit a non-obligation inquiry form.

I believe in you; let me help YOU believe in you!

Click Here to Buy Me a Coffee (or bourbon)

Meet Coach Tony

I’m Coach Tony – coach, author, and project manager on a mission to build a world where no goal dies of loneliness.

For 40 years, I nearly let one of my biggest dreams slip away—not because I failed, but because I never even tried. Then, I took a leap, applied a simple, structured process, and not only achieved my goal but surpassed it.

That experience transformed my life, and I believe you can do the same.

Through Operation Melt, I provide engaging content and hands-on coaching designed to inspire, motivate, and equip project managers and other left-brained high-achievers to pursue and accomplish their biggest goals.

Let’s make sure your goals don’t die of loneliness. Let me help you start your transformation today!

Breathe new life into your goals

Download my free ebook to learn how to create goals that actually work and get the jump-start you need in life!

Published inInterview with a Goal-Crusher